About Me

Superheroes saved my life. Now before I explain, think about the worst headache you've ever had. Remember how hard it was to think or sleep? That's what I have all the time. The doctors call it chronic daily headache (medical speak for I always have a headache) and I've had it since February of 2013. But this blog is not about me wallowing in self pity, it's about superheroes. That's because in the summer of 2013 I was going to kill myself. I was miserable with my life and was tired of the pain. I had attempted suicide before but this time I was going to make sure it would work. However, one day I saw this big purple sign for a store called Midtown Comics. "Two whole floors of comics!" the sign boasted. I figured why not blow all my money if I was going to die anyways, and so I went into the store. The instant I walked in, I fell in love. I started reading the first comic I could get my hands on in the store and was engrossed in these fictional worlds where problems could be solved in less than 50 pages. And so I didn't commit suicide that night because I wanted to finish reading all the comics I had just bought. For some reason, the heroes just made me happy. This happiness started to transcend into every part of my life. I still have a headache all the time, but if Superman can defeat Lex Luthor multiple times why can't I defeat this headache?

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