Sunday, February 9, 2014

The Hope of Superheroes

When I was younger, my grandmother was in an accident and was in a coma for a month. When she woke up she lost a lot of everyday functions such as movement of her tongue, sense of touch, etc. My dad's family, except for my dad, is very superstitious. They believe in things like astrology, horoscopes and the main Hindu gods. Naturally, when my grandma woke up without these functions my grandfather resorted to these things. He prayed every day, had his and his wife's horoscopes read by many different astrologists and even went on a pilgrimage to a famous temple in India. Unfortunately, after almost a year of doing these things, my grandmother's condition had not improved in the slightest. So my grandfather gave up hope and stopped believing in everything.

I've found that I've done something similar with my condition. Whenever I try a new medication or therapy I don't expect it to work at all. Oftentimes I feel as if there is no hope for me because it's been a year now and no medication has worked yet. However, then I think of the superheroes that I love and I think about their hope. If you think about it, superheroes are some of the most hopeful beings.

It seems like no matter what a superhero does, the world somehow gets messed up again. A new villain appears, an old villain comes back to get even or just the normal people have lost faith in them. However, superheroes never give up. No matter how many villains they fight, they don't stop. Mr. Incredible said it himself, "No matter how many times you save the world, it always manages to get back in jeopardy again. Sometimes I just want it to stay saved! You know, for a little bit? I feel like the maid; I just cleaned up this mess! Can we keep it clean for... for ten minutes!"

Mr. Incredible

Yet, they don't just stop saving the world. I mean Mr. Incredible kept saving lives even though being a hero was illegal. But it really makes me think What do they see in this world? In us? So much so that they continue saving it? I like to believe that they keep saving us because they hope that we'll use that life that they saved to do something good. Even when we don't have hope in the world, other people or maybe even our own lives, superheroes do :)

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