Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Best Superhero Moments: All-star Superman #10

I recently posted my story on r/comicbooks where the response was overwhelming and extremely supportive. In response, u/1204Sparta commented with this scene from All-Star Superman #10:
I won't spoil any of the plot for you guys because it really is a great series, but this scene especially spoke to me as well as u/1204Sparta. Even if you can't connect to the way Regan is feeling, you have to admit that Superman is especially awesome in this scene. Whenever we think of Superman we immediately think of all of his superpowers. I mean he can fly and shoot lasers out of his eyes! But this scene just proves that his powers are not what make him a hero. As I'm sure anyone who's felt like Regan can relate, Superman couldn't have saved Regan with any of his powers. Yet Superman doesn't give up on her or the situation, he finds a way to solve the problem without using any of his powers. I think that this scene not only defines Superman, but defines superheroes in general. In the DC universe, powers are easy to obtain: one is simply born with them. However, it's how those people act when their powers are useless that determines whether they are a hero or not. Being super is easy, but being a hero isn't.

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